Marine and Offshore Energy

The Marine and Offshore Energy division provides a diversified business platform focusing on the transportation of goods and the liabilities created by ship owners as well as the needs and complexities of the offshore industry. These are volatile reinsurance categories requiring an in-depth understanding and constant monitoring of the exposures, industries and ever-changing needs of the primary risk carriers. Maintaining flexibility and responding swiftly to these needs is a defining element of our strategy and strength for Marine and Offshore Energy clients.

We provide coverage on a worldwide basis for all Marine and Offshore Energy insurance lines. We create specialized reinsurance programs for a diverse international portfolio ranging from small domestic mono-line insurers to multinational insurance companies and Lloyd’s Syndicates.

Our appetite is worldwide and covers a diverse range of marine reinsurance business, including specialist lines. Writing proportional and excess of loss products, our lines include:

Marine liability.
Marine war.
Offshore energy.
Inland Marine.

how can we help you?

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“The results were clear, professional, and persuasive, and the investors and advisors who have seen the materials loved them. They know what investors want!”

Damian Smulders
CTO, DeepOcean Entertainment

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